121QA Confirms That Surveying at Pending Doubles Agent GCI

Clients are happiest the day an offer is accepted. And half of all referrals are made before closing. Yet agents wait until closing before they survey the satisfaction of their clients. It makes no sense.

To understand how survey timing affects sales production a 522-agent full-service brokerage volunteered to open their books. The brokerage was the market leader with a 22% share of market when the study started.

Over two years, 121QA tracked how client loyalty, sales production and agent income increased by simply surveying client satisfaction at pending – rather than close.

121QA client survey invitations were sent by admin on behalf of agents when offers were accepted. In all 6,443 deals were surveyed. Survey results, unit sales and gross commission income were tracked by agent and deal over two consecutive years.

In the second year

336 agents sent surveys – up from 319

Deals surveyed increased by 11%

Survey completions rose from 58% to 61%

Client intent to recommend increased from 88% to 91%

Sales also increased

$4,857 – added GCI earned by 152 agents who did not survey their clients

$24,980 – 264 agents who surveyed 1-10 deals and sold +2 properties.

$92,572 – 72 agents who surveyed 10+ deal and sold +7 properties.

A direct correlation was found between the number of survey invitations an agent sent and the incremental number of properties they sold. The more invitations they sent the more money they made. 

Interestingly, surveying agents accounted for 91% of incremental unit sales in the market, increasing the brokerage’s market share to 23%.

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